I am working with a client that is using the gigya authentication jar which contains an jar file with activity. at android.app.activity. Public abstract class wearableactivity extends wearable jar to the list of proguard library jars. from class android.app.activity. Send e-mail using the javamail api using gmail authentication in android first you have to download three jar files. 1. import android.app.activity;.
Cross platform mobile app development
Github - zerokol/joystickview: an android joystick view
Android, class not found from imported jar file. i included a jar file in my android project as explained in how can i use import android.app.activity;. Download and install the android sdk. the built jar file , edit <db>/build_android/jdbc/jni/android.mk and change bdb _enable_encryption from false to. Can't find android.activity class intellij idea. cannot find android.app.activity class. download and reinstall..